Logical error in my C # code, what should I do?

I have a logic error. I presented the following as input:

  • salary is 30,000
  • child n ยฐ is 9

Thus, the net salary will be:

  • family bonus + salary - tax

     (750)       + (30000) - (3000)

  • but my program counts them

      (1500)    + (30000) + (6000)

My program has doubled (accumulated) family bonus and tax. Can someone explain why?

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Employee e = new Employee();

class Employee
    private string n;
    private int byear;
    private double sal;
    private bool gen;
    private bool mar;
    private int child;
    public static double tax = 0;
    public static double familybonus = 0;
    public string Ename
        get { return this.n; }
            this.n = value;

    public int Birthyear
        get { return this.byear; }
            if (value >= 1970 && value <= 1990) this.byear = value;
            else this.byear = 0;
    public double Salary
        get { return this.sal; }
            if (value >= 5000 && value <= 50000) this.sal = value;
            else this.sal = 0;

    public bool Gender
        get { return this.gen; }
        set { this.gen = value; }
    public bool Married
        get { return this.mar; }
        set { this.mar = value; }
    public int NChildren
        get { return this.child; }
            if (value >= 0 && value <= 12) this.child = value;
            else this.child = 0;

    public double getAge()
        return 2008 - this.Birthyear;
    public double getNet()
        double net = getFamilyBonus() + this.Salary - getTax();
        return net;

    public double getFamilyBonus()

        if (this.Married == true)
            familybonus += 300;
        if (this.NChildren == 1) familybonus += 200;
        else if (this.NChildren == 2) familybonus += 350;
        else if (this.NChildren >= 3) familybonus += 450;
        return familybonus;

    public double getTax()
        if (Salary < 10000)
            tax = 0;
        if (Salary <= 10000 && Salary >= 20000)
            tax += Salary * 0.05;
        else tax += Salary * 0.1;
        return tax;


    public void ReadEmployee()
        Console.Write("Enter Employee Name: ");
        Ename = Console.ReadLine();
        Console.Write("Enter Employee birth date: ");
        Birthyear = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

        while (Birthyear < 1970 || Birthyear > 1990)
            Console.WriteLine("Invalid Birthyear!");
            Console.Write("Enter Employee Birth date: ");

            Birthyear = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
        string g = null;
        while (g != "M" && g != "m" && g != "F" && g != "f")
            Console.Write("Enter Employee Gender (M/F)");
            g = Convert.ToString(Console.ReadLine());

        if (g == "M" || g == "m")
            Gender = true;
            Gender = false;
        Console.Write("Enter Employee Salary: ");
        Salary = Double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
        while (Salary < 5000 || Salary > 50000)
            Console.WriteLine("Invalid Salary!");
            Console.Write("Enter Employee Salary: ");
            Salary = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
        string m = null;
        while (m != "true" && m != "True" && m != "false" && m != "False")
            Console.Write("Married (true/false)");
            m = Console.ReadLine();

        if (m == "true")
            this.Married = true;
            this.Married = false;

        Console.Write("Enter Employee Children count: ");
        NChildren = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

        while (NChildren < 0 || NChildren > 12)
            Console.WriteLine("Invalid NChildren!");
            Console.Write("Enter Employee Children count: ");

            NChildren = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

    public void PrintEmployee()
        Console.Write("Hello ");
            if (Gender == true)
                Console.Write("Mr. ");
                Console.Write("Mrs. ");
        Console.WriteLine("You are {0} years old", getAge());
        Console.WriteLine("Salary= {0}", Salary);
        Console.WriteLine("Tax= {0}", getTax());
        Console.WriteLine("Family bonus= {0}", getFamilyBonus());
        Console.WriteLine("Net= {0}", getNet());



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2 answers

I took the existing code and hardwired the inputs (instead of using Console.ReadLine ()), I get:

You are 28 years old Salary = 30,000 Tax = 3000 Family bonus = 750 net = 25500

The main problem seems to be not initializing values โ€‹โ€‹- for example, treating fields as variables:

public double getTax()
    if (Salary < 10000)
        tax = 0;
    if (Salary <= 10000 && Salary >= 20000)
        tax += Salary * 0.05;
    else tax += Salary * 0.1;
    return tax;


OK - and what starts tax

if Salary >= 10000

, etc. Similarly familyBouns

in getFamilyBonus

. By the way, how can there be a deposit and <= 10000

and>= 20000


To illustrate, I changed the output to:

    Console.WriteLine("Tax= {0}", getTax());
    Console.WriteLine("Tax= {0}", getTax());
    Console.WriteLine("Tax= {0}", getTax());


Which shows:

Tax = 3000 Tax = 6000 Tax = 9000

My advice is not to store the calculated values โ€‹โ€‹unless you know the math is so hard it is worth it. Just calculate them as needed (no field at all).



Another problem is that you don't initialize familybonus when you say familybonus + = 300. So every time you call GetFamilybonus, it is added to the previous result. You call it twice in the PrintEmployee function, once directly and indirectly by calling getNet;



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