"svn list" ignores external

I have a directory called "library" in my SVN tree that uses external resources to load libs like zend framework / smarty / ....

im using a self-recording tool that uses a "svn list" where i can select the files to be uploaded to the servers and it seems

The svn list does not load external props, so the library directory is empty which means I cannot load libs with my tool

so the question is: is there any option to have "svn list" also load external ones?



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2 answers

The solution would be to call:

svn propget svn:externals -R 


and call svn list on every external path.



Just add Francis B's answer , svn list

could be enhanced in a future SVN version if I believe this thread :

The list subcommand is great for scripting a set of files / directories listed in a repository without having to check out the source.

I experimented with using svn:externals

using the syntax ' ^

' to describe the logical views of my repository.

However, I found that the subcommand svn list

does not have the ability to navigate outside. I think it would be a really useful function to be able to enumerate what will be checked or exported without actually doing it.

Injecting an option such as --no-ignore-externals

will allow the default for the svn list to remain unchanged, but still allow the ability to navigate outside.



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