Internet Explorer is serving an unknown file type

I have a web server on port 80 and 81. IE can connect to the server on any port. This worked fine until I installed a file type application (.TPJ) that had a text / xml MIME type on the client PC. At this point, IE no longer opened the website, but instead offered to download the serverName.TPJ file. The file contains the correct information from the website.

I changed the installer for the app so that it doesn't register the MIME type. Now IE on the client PC prompts to download a file with an unknown file type. Please note that the application has never been installed on a PC server.

The problem occurs with IE7. This does not happen with Firefox, Safari or Chrome.

Does anyone know how to get around this?


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2 answers

I found the answer. There is a left entry in the registry for the MIME type text / xml. It can be restored to its default value by re-registering MSXML3.DLL.

regsvr32 msxml3.dll




Windows Registry Editor version 5.00

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ MIME \ Database \ Content Type \ text / xml] "CLSID" = "{48123BC4-99D9-11D1-A6B3-00C04FD91555}" "Extension" = "XML" "Encoding" = Hex: 08,00,00, 00



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