How do I turn off numbers in a regular expression?

Hello I am writing a regex (first time in my life I might add) but I just cannot figure out how to do what I want. So far so good that I already only allow letters and spaces (until this is the first character), now I don't understand that I don't want to allow any numbers between characters ... can someone help me please?




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3 answers

OK, you need:



It corresponds:

^           - start of line
[a-zA-Z]    - any letter
[\sa-zA-Z]* - zero or more letters or spaces
$           - the end of the line


If you want it to end with a letter too, then put another one



before $

. Note, however, that the string must contain at least two letters (one at each end) to match.



If you only want to allow letters and spaces, then what you have is almost correct:




at the end means the end of the line.

Edited to correct the answer, thanks to @Alnitak



If you only want spaces between words, use this:





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