How do I enter the script of a dataflow component while debugging an SSIS package in VS 2005?

If I open the script and set a breakpoint, it is ignored. In fact, if I close and reopen the script, then the breakpoint no longer exists.

Even the Stop commands do not break it.

If I put a breakpoint on the containing data flow task in the control flow diagram, it stops, but when I try to enter it, I get the error: "Step failed. Not implemented"


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2 answers

You cannot, I guess this is an SSIS limitation.

For me, the best way is to "debug" a script data flow task instead of setting breakpoints, placing msgboxes ..



I hope that after setting the breakpoint, you will also save the script file and then close it. Make sure that after closing the script file you need to click ok to save the changes you made to the script so that it doesn't save the changes you made.



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