Toolbar rises when call ends

During a call, if the user wants to use my application, and if the call ends and the user is still in the application, the toolbar moves up, well, the whole view moves up, and therefore the toolbar now has space at the bottom. Basically the height "Touch to return to call" has. I am using toolbar and navigation controller. The navigation controller moves fine and everything in the view moves accordingly, the only issue is with the toolbar. So the question is, is there an event that gets fired after the call completes, so I can set the frame of my toolbar again? I tried this delegate with no luck:

- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application willChangeStatusBarFrame:(CGRect)newStatusBarFrame


This call is only called when the toolbar changes orientation.

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1 answer

In general, adjusting your auto-resizing masks correctly should fix it. Could you update the screenshot to show exactly where the resizing issues are occurring?



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