String losing data when assigning TStringList

I have this method,

s : TStringList;
fVar : string;
s := TStringList.Create;
fVar := ZCompressStr('text');

ShowMessage( IntToStr(length(fVar) * SizeOf(Char)) );

s.text := fVar;  

ShowMessage( IntToStr( length(s.text) * SizeOf(Char)) );


ZCompressStr from , line 121 changed from {$ ifndef UNICODE} to {$ ifdef UNICODE} for compilation.

Anyway, I can call ZDecompressStr if I use the fVar variable, however, as soon as I move it to the string list or memo, it seems that they lost those 6 bytes of data .... If I try to use ZDecompressStr on s. text var fails with buffer error.


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2 answers

There is no reason why you would need to change line 121 of ZLibEx.pas; it is true for all versions of Delphi, including Delphi 2009. A symbol UNICODE

should only be defined for Delphi 2009, and when so, the type definitions for RawByteString

, UnicodeString

and UnicodeChar

should all be skipped because they are already internal types in the language.


will create a string that can contain non-printable characters, including null bytes. It stores the result in RawByteString

, which Delphi specifically considers.


like everything else in Delphi 2009 uses Unicode. The property Text

is of type UnicodeString

. Whenever you assign any value UnicodeString


, you get the transformation as from an MultiByteToWideStr

API function . Even RawByteString

included in this rule. If RawByteString

you have not assigned a code page-specific string value for a string, it will have code page 0, which is the CP_ACP

default code page for your system.

If the string does not actually contain characters encoded according to the system code page, then any conversion is asking for problems: garbage collection, garbage collection. In particular, there is no guarantee that you will receive the same number of characters.

As mentioned in Smok1 , a property TStringList.Text

is a property. It has a setter method that breaks a given string into separate lines. When you read the property, it concatenates all those lines into one line again. When setting a property TStrings.SetTextStr

(in Classes.pas if you're interested) will split the string anyway #0

, #10

or #13

. That is, null characters, line feeds, and carriage returns. When re-concatenating all strings, it will use its property LineBreak

, which is initialized to a global variable sLineBreak

. The line break is also placed after the last line, so each line ends with LineBreak

. Therefore, the conversion does not have to be round trip.

So, there are two things to be learned from this:

  • Do not treat compressed data as text.
  • Don't use TStrings

    descendants to store objects that you don't want to handle with multiple lines.

Another good tip: don't use it string

as a generic type of data store. Use it for actual text only. Select TBytes

or to store arbitrary binary data TMemoryStream

. Using your example, you can compress a string like this:

  ss: TStream;
  ms: TMemoryStream;
  ss := TStringStream.Create('text');
    ms := TMemoryStream.Create;
      ZCompressStream(ss, ms);




It could be a transformation - the TStringList.Text property is a property, not a variable. You are using it in a slightly dangerous way as there is some text handling in the TStringList.



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