Is there a Universal App ID for sending MMS in J2ME?
I'm having trouble with that.
The thing is, when I send MMS with J2ME to other devices with JSR 205 (two are being tested: SonyEriccson w610i and Nokia 5300), the receive icon flashes, but the message is not in the Inbox. I think this is happening because of the app id that cannot be recognized, so is there a universal app id or another way - to send MMS to J2ME? Because I don't want to install the viewer (to receive messages) on every single device.
The code I'm using is the same that you can find all over the internet: Open MessageConnection, create a MultipartMessage, set the address (mms: // {number}: {appID}), add the MessagePart and release it.
BTW, when I send it to a device without JSR 205 (old SonyEriccson), it got received; But then again, not all devices that will send MMS may be old.
Finally, Telcel (Mexico) is the carrier. I don't know if this is related to this, but maybe.
Thanks in advance.
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