Build, deploy and run the iphone simulator from terminal

I am new to mac and xcode. Please guide me procedure iphone.xcodeproject outside of xcode IDE for the following tasks:

  • Build with xcodebuild command
  • deployment in a simulator?
  • Run in the simulator.?

How can I achieve this with ant / Applescript?

Thank you in advance


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1 answer

enter link description here I know how to create and create .app files from Xcode ie with terminal side. Open terminal and navigate to the specific folder where the project is created and use this command.

xcodebuild -workspace 'WORKSPACENAME.xcworkspace' -scheme 'APPNAME' -configuration "Debug" -sdk iphoneos6.0 -arch "armv7 armv7s" CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR='OUTPUT_DIRECTORY'


if you have a static library attached to your project then

xcodebuild -workspace 'WORKSPACENAME.xcworkspace' -scheme 'APPNAME_LIB' -configuration "Debug-iphoneos" -sdk iphoneos6.0 -arch "armv7 armv7s" CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR='OUTPUT_DIRECTORY'
xcodebuild -workspace 'WORKSPACENAME.xcworkspace' -scheme 'APPNAME_LIB' -configuration "Debug" -sdk  iphoneos6.0  -arch "armv7 armv7s" CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR='OUTPUT_DIRECTORY'


there are some useful links too ..

>  [][2]
> [][3]
> [/questions/53018/how-can-i-install-a-ipa-file-to-my-iphone-simulator][4]




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