Can I get the client's IP address in the call to the LCDS service?

I am trying to find the IP address of a client when it makes a specific call to the LCDS service. Understanding all the issues of getting a "real" IP address and privacy concerns, etc., can you find the client's IP address?



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3 answers

I think you can handle this easily. Not tested, but try it.

String ip = FlexContext.getHttpRequest().getRemoteAddr();




I haven't found a way to do this for all channel types with a simple method call. So I am using code like this:

    String ip;
    Endpoint clientEndpoint = FlexContext.getEndpoint();
    if (clientEndpoint instanceof RTMPEndpoint) {
       ip = ((RTMPFlexSession)FlexContext.getFlexSession()).getClientInfo().getIp();  
    if ((clientEndpoint instanceof NIOAMFEndpoint) || (clientEndpoint instanceof AMFEndpoint)) {
       ip = FlexContext.getHttpRequest().getRemoteAddr();




ip = FlexContext.getHttpRequest (). getRemoteAddr ();

gives whoz related

Thank you Roman



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