Where is phpMyAdmin in the file?

For this statement:

mysql <my_db_name> -u<user_name> -p<password> <mysql.sql


Where does phpMyAdmin assume what mysql.sql

is in?


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4 answers

relative to second point gnuds:

Reading in a file via <is not relevant to mysql. This works for any command and any file on the command line. (on both UNIX and Windows):

somecommand < somefile


data from somefile is sent to the command via a pipe called STDIN.



in the directory you are currently in.



First, it is clearly not about phpMyAdmin , but about mysql command line tool.

Secondly, in the command you sent, the utility mysql

doesn't look for the filename at all, it reads stdin - your shell (like bash or windows cmd

) opens the file and sets it as stdin mysql


Third, all relative filesystem paths (any path that does not start with a root) refer to the current working directory.



Yes, in the current working directory. but you are not using phpMyAdmin, you are using the command mysql




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