Third party web site authentication libraries (like openid)

I am creating a website that will require user registration and login.

I would like to use a facebook connection so that people can create a master account and login without creating their own local account and let them fill in more details about the profile when they want.

What other third party authorization systems are there? Obviously openid is one option. And Google seems to have a system for logging into other sites with your Google login. Are there any other systems? Does Microsoft have one for msn login? I found some clues but couldn't find any details.

Anyway, a programming question - are there any php libraries that will do this for me through a range of vendors? I see them for facebook and OpenID, but I haven't seen any library in php that abstract away the differences? Before I program my own solution, are there any libraries in there that I could not find?


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1 answer

Keep in mind that Facebook is likely to become an openid provider in the near future (with some value close).

If you really want EVERYTHING to be abstracted for you, JanRain takes care of exactly that task for you as a hosted service. The free version provides enough functionality to get started, and then if your app crashes, you can pay for additional functionality along the way.



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