SharePoint Deployment tab web.config

I am new to sharepoint. I need to deploy an application from one server to another server (test server). I am now using a solution package to deploy my application. I have one problem while deploying. The web.config of the application has entries such as appsetting entries, secure control entries, endpoint entries for our own services, and more. I am currently doing it manually. Only secure management entries are updated in the web.config file via manifest.xml, but I don't know how to update the other entries. Please help me to solve this problem.

I have another problem. I have to do something like click after deploy. How should I do it? Can I deploy my app with modified web.config as installer?

Thanks in advance.


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2 answers


If you don't have programmatic control over your codebase, then Rushyo is right - you would probably be in luck with your questions on the server. The rest of this answer assumes that you are a developer and have access to code changes.

SharePoint includes the SPWebConfigModification type to support the types of web.config changes you want to make, and this type is typically used during feature activation and deactivation with FeatureReceiver. Please refer to this stackoverflow post as it has some additional qualifying information and a few links from Alex Angas, Colin Dekker and me:

How do I update the web.config for each WFE in a SharePoint server farm?

As for the ClinkOnce style deployment: I don't think you can do that easy to install a solution pack. However, you can get pretty close with the solution that Lars Fastrup (one of the regular SharePoint users here on stackoverflow) has put together and posted on CodePlex. His solution allows you to put an installation wrapper around a solution package (WSP) and the installer takes care of things like checking dependencies. See

Hope this helps!



Alternatively check out this tool

This will allow you to make changes to the web.config via the stsadm command (no code needed). I use it in deployment scenarios for my clients.



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