Posting a Twitter4j Twitter class in Spring

I only need one instance of Twitter class in Twitter4j in Spring container. My problem is I can't see a way to set the oauth user in the Twitter class. As far as I know, you can only use the setter method, which only takes one parameter. Not two. For example, there are thoughts that I cannot connect something like this:

Twitter twitter = new Twitter();
twitter.setOAuthConsumer([consumer key],[consumer secret]);


Of course I want to avoid hard-coding the consumer key and consumer secrets that win using DI I think.

My solution is to encapsulate the twitter class in another class so that I can alternately associate the consumer key and consumer secret:

public class TwitterAuth {
    private Twitter twitter;
    public TwitterAuth(Twitter twitter, consumerKey, consumerSecret) {
    public void getTwitter(){
       return twitter;


Although he solves my problem, he introduces me to another. I no longer need TwitterAuth when the twitter class is introduced. How do I opt out of TwitterAuth?

Better still is there a better way to link this? Thank you! :)


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1 answer

I no longer need TwitterAuth after entering the twitter class. How do I opt out of TwitterAuth?

I wouldn't worry about the drop TwitterAuth

. When there are no references to it, garbage will eventually be collected. In any case, it doesn't have a lot of memory.

You don't need your code to depend on TwiterAuth

. Instead, you can tell Spring to create an object Twitter

using the instance factory method . First, you need to make a small modification in TwitterAuth

order to create an object Twitter


public class TwitterAuth {
    private final Twitter twitter;
    public TwitterAuth(String consumerKey, String consumerSecret) {
      this.twitter = new Twitter();
      twitter.setOauthConsumer(consumerKey, consumerSecret);
    public Twitter getTwitter() {
       return twitter;


If the bean name for TwitterAuth

is "twitterAuth"

, then this XML will set up TwitterAuth.getTwitter()

as a factory method:

<bean id="twitter"


Then you can inject the object Twitter

into your classes directly, instead of having the classes depend on TwitterAuth

. The installation of the constructor and setter for TwitterAuth

will be done before Spring calls the method getTwitter()


Instead of using a factory instance method, you can change TwitterAuth

to implement the FactoryBean . The advantage is slightly less XML. The disadvantage is the Java source code that will be more tied to Spring.



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