Alternative FRAPS: Where to Look and Why?

Later this year I will have a lot of time on my hands and I thought I would start a "small" project for myself and release it as open source.

I would like to code my own Fraps alternative. (or continue with Taksi ).

Fraps is a video and audio recording software that captures the screen while you play. This one has more features than I need and their commercials.

All I want is the ability to record the screen / game I'm currently playing, including audio without other additional features.

Now this is a new area for me, but not programming languages. I thought I would be using C ++ (and others if needed).

I need clues on where to look and what to look for, where to read the things that create it. Etc. etc.

I hope you can help me!


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2 answers

Here is some good information on the methods used by FRAPS.



My company posted C ++ source code for connecting to DirectX to capture video and calculate FPS (audio not included). It is available on github as AVRecorderTool .



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