Develop for SQL Server Standard with SQL Server Express?

I am working on a web service project and I am coding at home where I have SQL Express 2008 installed, but the application needs to communicate with SQL Server Standard. I've never done a migration before and I couldn't find any resources on this topic - a lot of stuff about the upgrade, but nothing about how to deploy.

For example, Visual C # Express, I can't seem to connect to the database without the database file - is this how the standard works? Do I only expand the file with the application?


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3 answers

I think you will have to manually create the connection string as the IDE will not automatically generate those connecting to SQL Server Standard Edition. But you can easily write two in your application - one for testing, which points to the EXPRESS instance, and one for live, which points to the real one. As long as you connect to the same objects and interact with them the same way, it should be fine.

You can manually change the connection string AFTER the ID framework has created it, for example:

Data Source=ServerName;Initial Catalog=AppDatabase;Integrated Security=True;Persist Security Info=True;Connect Timeout=30


replacing ServerName and AppDatabase as needed and with possible authentication changes. You will have to make sure the IDE recreates the original connection string, although I don't see a way to change the connection string used in Database Explorer and if you are using the IDE to drag and drop data sources into your application this will continue to use the original connection string.

SQL Server Developer editors are pretty cheap though - easily under £ 50.



You can use the Express version also as a standalone installation. See here . In fact, there is also a free version of Management Studi . You can manage your database in the same way as in any other edition. If you install Express SQL this way, you can upgrade to another version of SQL Server without crashing!



Unless you are doing something very fancy or hacky, the deployment will be very easy. Everything I know about what you can do in the Express version is exactly the same in the full version.

All different ways to connect to the database are available in both the Express and the full versions. You don't need any database file to create a connection unless the infrastructure you are using requires it. You always connect to the database server over the network, not over the file system.

When you deploy your application, you simply change the connection string to point to the live server. If the login is configured in the same way on this server, it works without any changes.



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