Configuring / qa / dev staging environments on Windows Server 2008

I am working on a large scale ASP.NET web application.

The system is large enough to guarantee monitoring systems, scripting, source control server, etc. etc.

Now I want to set up a suitable development environment where I have a development server, QA and a stage.

I'm going to set up Windows Server 2008 Standard Edition x64 (I have 4GB RAM, so I want to see everything).

Do I just need to set up a virtual machine for each environment? But the question is that at the moment all my software is on Vista. It would be nice if each virtual machine only had the software it needs (for example, I don't need Visual Studio when staging, since I don't have to change the code there), but I guess this can't be done? Should the src control be in a central location and not in one of the environments (e.g. dev)? So something like:

Version control server v v DEV v v quality control v v staged

And therefore everything is decentralized.

How do you do it?


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1 answer

  • Your idea of ​​using 4 virtual machines should work well.

  • I don't see any type of database server. I found that DBs perform better on their own physical machine.

  • ADD MORE MEMORY !!!!! You want each machine to have enough memory.



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