Jquery how to get attribute from HttpServletRequest

I have this piece of code:

$("#faq").click(function () {               
    var url = $.get("faq", { pagina: "page" });


The "faq" is answered by Servlet, which sets the attribute on request

request.setAttribute("pageFAQ", pageFAQ);


After get jQuery prints [XmlHttpRequest object].

I would like to access an attribute set on the Servlet, but I don't know how.


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2 answers

I'm not sure if the servlet request attribute is shared by the client.

You can get the response text in jQuery like so:

$("#faq").click(function () {                   
    { pagina: "page" },
    function(data) {    // callback function, executed on GET success


All you have to do is let your servlet return some text.



setAttribute () Method sets a value that can be retrieved internally on the server, but not on the client side. We use it to set and get values ​​in servlet communications. You cannot access any information through this method that is outside the server, that is, the client program.

We are using req.getParameter (paramname) to access client attrubutes.



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