Creating a new module in Sitefinity

I am trying to create a new module for Sitefinity. I base my module on the sample module linked from the documentation.

What I want is a video list. On the left side - CommandPanel - there should be 3 buttons - "Video", "Artists" and "Genres".

Whenever any of them is selected, a list of videos / artists / genres is displayed on the right.

The concept is simple, but what I'm struggling with is where to actually put the code.

Should I recode the list directly into CommandPanel.ascx? Should I create new controls for videos, artists and genres? Or do I need to have one control and multiple panels that I show / hide? And how do I connect the menu items on the left, with the right pane?

NB. I may be wrong to keep all videos, artists and genres on the left. Maybe it's just "video", and artists and genres should be a separate module each?

I don't need a complete answer, just some direction on how to code in this structure and where things should go.


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1 answer

Hi, I just saw this happen. I'm not sure if you have already run this module, but you can finish it for now, but I just wanted to say that you checked Sitefinity Beta for 3.6 because they are to simplify the whole process of the Sitefinity module and in particular for the fact that you trying to do. Check it out on Sitefinity block a barebones module with new architecture . This will suit your needs, I think, because you can create a separate "View" for each of your videos, artists and genres and all of their views, such as creation, editing, etc.



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