Have you ever noticed some JSP incompatibilities with WebSphere?

When we write in Javascript expression:

expression < <%=variableJsp%> 


double "<" seems to be a problem and the JSP is not interpreted?

Is it a fault of other servers that shouldn't accept this type of expression? Or WebSphere, what's the error?


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2 answers

Your little code example looks like we are doing it without problems.

Try to create a JSP that illustrates the problem and nothing else. Either create a new one from scratch, or delete anything that is irrelevant to the problem.

You will most likely find that the error is not in your sample code. But if you can create a small JSP file (few lines) that illustrates the problem, please show it to us.



I believe it is generally a bad idea to embed javascript in jsp pages. Your problem is just one of the reasons why external javascript functions are being executed.

Although I don't know websphere, it happened to me in other containers.

If you insist on having it inline you can probably use

expression &lt; <%=variableJsp%>




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