.net is removed every 100 seconds

We have a very strange problem, one of our applications is constantly requesting the server using the remote remote .net network and every 100 seconds the application stops making requests for a short time and then resumes the operation. The problem occurs on the client, not the server, because the applications actually request multiple servers at the same time and stop receiving data from all of them at the same time.


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3 answers

I have never seen this behavior before, and unfortunately it is a rather vague scenario. I think it will be difficult for you to find someone on this board who ran into a problem. This most likely applies to your application.

I think there is some research you can do to help you narrow down the problem.

  • Determine if it is indeed a client or server. If you have problems with this, try installing a packet filter and monitoring traffic to see who sent the latest data. You probably won't be able to read binary data, but at least you can figure out who is lagging behind.
  • Once you figure out if the client or server is causing the delay, try debugging your application and get a breakpoint where the hang is happening. This should give you enough detail to help pinpoint the problem. Or at least ask a more specific question on SO.


100 seconds is the issue number as this is the default web request timeout in .Net.

I have seen in the past that PSI (Project Server Interface in Microsoft Project) does not override the timeout, so the default value of 100 seconds was applied and would stop anything talking to it for longer than that time.

Do you have access to all the code, and are you sure you have set timeouts where applicable so that any defaults are not enforced without your knowledge?



How is the application coded to implement a continuous request? Is it a continuous loop? or a loop with Thread.Sleep? or is it on the timer ?,

It might be helpful to first determine if your system fires this "trigger" in your code when you expect it, or if it does and the remote server is not responding ... so ...

if you cannot reproduce this problem in a development environment where you can debug it, then if you can, I suggest you add code in this loop to write to the log file (or some other save mechanism) every time it " should "examine whatever conditions it uses to decide whether to query the remote server or not, and then look at those logs when the problem recurs ...

If you can do the same on your remote server to record when the server receives a remote access request, that would help as well ...

... and oh yeah just a thought (I don't know how you coded this ...), but if you are using a separate thread in the client to issue a remote access request and the channel is registered and unregistered in that separate thread, make sure that you are deconfining requests because you cannot register the same port twice on the same machine at the same time ... (although this should probably have thrown an exception in your client if that was a problem)



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