Multilingual Flex Application - preferred fonts for embedding specific languages

I am working on a web collaboration application built with Flex 3 that needs to support multiple languages.

Does anyone know what fonts are best for making built-in font libraries for Chinese, Korean, Japanese, and Russian? I know Arial Unicode MS will do the job, but I don't know if it will work better.

Localization alone will not solve the whole problem: to enter and display a chat, for example, you need to support multiple languages ​​in a single text field - everything that is required in Chinese must be displayed in Chinese; anything that was printed in English should be displayed in English.

Using _sans is an option, but far from preferred.



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There was an approach that switches TextFormat characters based on unicode value. So, primary language characters are displayed in the preferred (inline) font, while characters in other languages ​​are displayed in _sans.

This works very well, but it requires you to check every character that is added to the field and requires you to check everything when the deletion occurs. Some big inspection and I'm sure a textbox with a lot of content will start to run into performance issues, but this is for a chat tool so it's not too critical to use.



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