How to recreate oracle 9i database from backup files (ora files)

I'm a developer, so I'm a little lost in the DBA world. Our system guys provided me with a backup of the Oracle 9i database. I have installed oracle 9i on my computer and now I am trying to "import" the backup files so that I have a normal database to work with.

The backup folder has an SNCF file [SID] .ora and about 150 [SID] - [Date] - [count] - [soemnumber] .ora files. The question is how to get this data in oracle so that I can query it via sql?

I got to creating a database that matches the SID of the standby database. Google tells me that I need to go into rman and run "database restore". But how does it know where the reverse files are located?

Any ideas? Thank.

I dont know. Seriously, the Oracle data we copied is part of a very old application that is being phased out. Nobody owns the database and we don't have DBAs ... so it's up to me, the sole developer. I can try to get more details for you tomorrow.

At the same time, the original database is running on a Windows machine and is some version of 9i. I installed Oracle 9i ( on my Windows XP (I installed this older version on purpose so that I can recreate the database from the backup files).

The backup was done on purpose so I could try to recreate it on my computer (so we won't get involved in production). We only have one window of several hours per week, so it's not easy to just re-do the backup differently.

A friend of the DBA advised that we are exporting the database, not making a full backup; however the system guys had a problem exporting, so now I have this full backup.

As far as the control files are concerned, it looks like an SNCF [SID] .ORA file, about 2.2 megabytes, which appears to be a control file. All other files (just over 150) make up about half of the gig, also with the ending ORA. I am assuming these are the actual data files.

I will get accurate versions of oracles and windows soon.


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2 answers

Okay, first first. Which Oracle version was taken from the backup? 9i - marketing tag - we need the full 4 digit version number (i.e. Does your PC run the exact same version of Oracle? Is your computer running on the same operating system?

How was the backup done? Are you looking at persistent cold database backups?

Don't have control files (usually .ctl)?

SNCF [SID] .ORA sounds like a parameter file, not a control file. To restore the database, you need a control file.

If the database is actually up and running somewhere, I am going to bet that you will experience much less pain and anguish in general if you work to figure out why using the export utility is not working and fixing the problem than with trying to restore a database from a cold backup, especially if there is any confusion about how the backup was taken.



.ora files ??? This is usually the extension for the pfile (in 9i, you prefer to have spfile).

Don't know about dated / numbered files. Maybe they are vigilant magazines? or they are dumping with a strange extension. or are they part of the rman backup?

You say, "The backup was done on purpose so I could try to recreate it on my computer," so why don't you have specific instructions on how to restore it?

Sorry, I have more questions than answers here. But I suggest you get expert help from a real DBA.

Your system guys are a good bet. ask them for help, they created this mess.



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