In iplanet 6, where is the webapp directory defined?

I'm trying to deploy my first war file on an existing iplanet 6 installation, and the only place in the config directory that indicates what looks like the web application directory is in server.xml


<PROPERTY name="docroot" value="/usr/local/ns-home/docs"/>
  <USERDB id="default"/>
    <WEBAPP uri="/olc" path="/WWW/ns-home/docs/olc" enabled="true"/>


But when I put my war file in /WWW/ns-home/docs/olc

, nothing happens.

Is there somewhere else I should look?

There is a "webapps" directory under the server install directory, but that doesn't work either.


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1 answer

you need to deploy war file via iplanet admin console, before doing this, make a server backup, xml file

then campare backup file is server.xml and currently server.xml you will understand



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