SQL Server Mgt Studio Query Editor windows are not described

In SQL Server Mgt Studio 2005, when I open the Object Explorer for a script object in a new query editor window, the tab for that new script window is called something like "MyServerName.MyDatabaseName" - sqlquery37.sql '

Not very descriptive. So when I open a bunch of windows at the same time, I have no idea which one.

The Active Files dialog box is useless because of this.

Is there any way to set up Mgt. Studio so that the title of the Window Editor Query tab more accurately reflects the object I'm working on?



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3 answers

This is what the SQL command knows about (see this connection item ), but there is no hard time when it will be addressed. Saving the file, as Ken G suggested, is the only job at the moment.



Not [easily] without actually saving the script window to a file - then you get

MyServerName.MyDatabaseName - MyFileName.sql


as a title.

You might be able to change this with a plugin / add-on, but not without writing some code.



I recently created this proposal in which I propose an alternative interface for tabs:

(image) http://img190.imageshack.us/img190/7130/exampletabs2.png

If he has enough people, perhaps they will take it seriously!



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