Automate the download of BusinessObjecs Web Intelligence reports

I have been tasked with automating the extraction of several BusinessObjects Web Intelligence reports and their further processing.

I have no other means of accessing this data (this was the first prospectus I followed), so I will have to make some violin screens. Alas, the interface seems user-friendly. Grr!

Has anyone done this before? How to share?

Also, does anyone know of a good library for web browser automation? I know there is a python application that can be used to test web applications. I need something in .NET though ... your favorite?

PS: I also checked this thread (Automate getting a report from a webpage) , but I'm hoping for a specific Web Intelligence resolution.


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5 answers

BO Job Scheduler can be configured to automatically run reports at a specific point in time and export them as Excel, CSV, etc. The reports can be dumped to the web server, making it easier to clear the screen or load than trying to go directly to the BO web reports as the web reports are paginated.

I didn't do it personally, but I worked with consultants who did it for me. Your best bet will probably call on an experienced BO consultant to customize it for you.



If you are trying to replicate web browsing functionality, you really cannot go wrong with cURL, you should have no problem calling the cURL script from your .NET program.

I'm not familiar with web intelligence, but we are using cURL to run 30 real-time reports every 2 seconds starting from a custom web service. Can web analytics respond to HTTP POST? For example, we publish the following parameters:

c:\curl\bin\curl -X POST -F File=@[filename] -F "title=[title]" -F "notes=[notes]" "http://xxx/AddScannedImage?debtref=[filename]"




Have you considered using the public APIs supported by BusinessObjects Enterprise for this purpose? All documentation is available on the SAP Developer Network site .

Specifically, I would consider a combination of the BusinessObjects Platform SDK and the REBean API to get the job done if I were using Java. Alternatively, there are some WS APIs that will allow you to do most of the same stuff.



Have you looked at QaaWS? (Query as a web service) - it should allow you to access the same universe query that is used in the WebI report - but it might not do you much good if you rely on the WebI report as a pre-processor. Just a thought.



You have viewed the report. Start your web framework that wraps the BOE and provides whole url calls for all call types like the ones you described.



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