Can I write an AddIn in MS Word that included another AddIn?

I have a problem with my custom Addin per word because sometimes MS Word disabled my addon and I need to write another AddIn that was enabled to enable / disable my first AddIn. Is it possible?

Sorry for my English: (


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2 answers

I agree with divo, the first step would be to add exception handling / logging to prevent addin from being added. You can also refer to this article

Debugging in Application-Level Projects

However, I also had issues with the append getting disabled somehow without throwing any exceptions. If the above approaches don't work, you can always go and have another program, force the LoadBehavior of your add-on to be 2 to 3, which should re-enable it.



What add-in technology are you using? VSTO? Which version of Office are you using?

In general, you can do what you want. However, the reason Office disables add-ins is because the add-in threw an unhandled exception. In this case, Office will set the value LoadBehavior

in the registry to 2.

It might be better to analyze and handle the underlying problem causing the exception.



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