Sunflower joining problem

For those of you who are decent with subsonic!

        TblNewsCollection col =
            new Select().From(Tables.TblNews)
                .Paged(currentPage, pageSize)


The above works, no problem, but when I try to add a where clause

        TblNewsCollection col =
            new Select().From(Tables.TblNews)
                .Paged(currentPage, pageSize)


I get this message

System.InvalidCastException: Object must implement IConvertible.
at System.Convert.ChangeType(Object value, Type conversionType, IFormatProvider provider)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter.CoerceValue(Object value, MetaType destinationType) 
System.InvalidCastException: Failed to convert parameter value from a Guid to a String.


I've tried this from other fields, like the bit field in the database, where it says it can't convert from bool to bit!

It seems like it is only a matter of where the statements after merging


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2 answers

I found that joins work better using TableColumnSchema as in the Northwind example above rather than the column name.



Northwind.CustomerCollection customersByCategory = new Select()
    .InnerJoin(Northwind.OrderDetail.OrderIDColumn, Northwind.Order.OrderIDColumn)
    .InnerJoin(Northwind.Product.ProductIDColumn, Northwind.OrderDetail.ProductIDColumn)


Here's an example that supposedly works. If it can help me please!



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