Obout "onCallbackError" problem

I am using obout grid management in C # and not sure how to throw the error out of the code!

I caught the error in the code with a try catch block (which I can see what it does using breakpoints in visual studio) that I create specifically from the database (creating another entry with the same id) but cant seem to force this bring up an error message box!

Here's the code I'm working with:

     void InsertRecord(object sender, GridRecordEventArgs e)
            string[] value = new string[] {/*records to be added */};

            connClass func = new connClass();

            func.fnRecord(value, "rm_category_add");


        catch (Exception ne)

             //here the problem!!!!!!              



I also set onCallbackerror to true, as you can see here:

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        grid1.ID = "grid1";
        grid1.CallbackMode = true;
        grid1.Serialize = true;
        grid1.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
        grid1.AllowAddingRecords = true;
        grid1.ShowLoadingMessage = true;
        grid1.FolderStyle = "../css/style_13";
        grid1.ClientSideEvents.OnClientCallback = "OnClientCallback";
        grid1.ClientSideEvents.OnClientCallbackError = "onCallbackError";            
        grid1.ClientSideEvents.OnClientDblClick = "fn_UpdateRecord";             


Any help would be appreciated :)


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1 answer

I'm not sure if you can do this in a callback.

But you can capture and display the error in javascript using the callbackerror function. You can set the error message to display in a div on the client side. I think obout has sample here http://www.obout.com/grid/KnowledgeBase.aspx?id=256

I'm not sure if this is exactly what you are looking for, but hope this helps.

<script type"text/javascript">
    function onCallbackError(errorMessage, commandType, recordIndex, data) {




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