Saving meta in OS X terminal

Since the introduction of the terminal, I have saved a modified .term file as ~ / mySrvr.term. which opens to run ssh to a remote server and to change the look. I was NOT able to store the "use option key as meta" for emacs-ery; there is no slot for it in the term file and I don't want to struggle with the keyboard dictionary file. Did I miss something? How do I get the "like meta" option to stick between sessions?



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2 answers

If you are using Leopard, open preferences in There is a Settings tab, which is actually a setting for different terminal window styles. Make a copy of one of Apple's defaults and change it to your liking and make sure there is an "as is" switch there.

I'm not even trying to open the terminal files now, under Leopard you can save any group of windows through the Windows menu and save all your settings, and you can open this backup through the same menu. For example, I have a window group that ssh to a server in two tabs, and the third tab starts an ssh tunnel.



Not sure if it helps, but when I go Shell -> Export Settings and save the file as a .terminal file, there are a few lines that save my option as a meta preference:



These lines are for the .terminal preference file, not the .term (which is pretty tricky for Google), so they might not be what you're looking for.



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