File transfer

I have IIS located on serverA

I have userA at locationA who opened a CMS site hosted on serverA.

One of the features of the system is that it allows the user to move a file to LocationB, all within the same network. Now when this move happens and due to bandwidth limitations, will this file move from LocationA to serverA to LocationB or is there a way to move the file from LocationA to LocationB without going through serverA i.e. using local memory on serverA

I am not using BITS at the moment.


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3 answers

To track Ian's suggestion to send directly to server2 you will need some kind of web server (prob IIS, but you can write it to order, which just takes the CMS submission form and puts the files where they need to go)



It will depend on how the CMS is running - if it runs scp

in the background then the answer is yes - it misses the local machine.

If it uses http to pass it to the user's machine then back off, the answer is no.



Is a user uploading a file from their computer? If possible, you can do it by setting the action attribute on the form:

<form method="post" action="http://serverB/locationB" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <input type="file" ... />




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