How can I allow a non-administrator user to create objects from VB6 ActiveX Exe?

The question says that all of this is really ...

I tried to change the Allow non-admin users to run this program in the property pages and also gave the specified non-admin user the correct privileges in Component Services -> DCOM Config.

Is there anything else I can do?

It's on the 2003 BTW server.




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2 answers



I saw your question a few days ago but didn't answer because all I have is something for you to try. I was expecting someone else with a knowledgeable answer to answer, but since you still don't have the answers, I'll tell you a little what I know. When our technical support department installs our application on a computer running XP or Vista, they log in with an administrator account the first time they run the application. Apparently this allows for what ever has to happen with ActiveX DLLs to work. After that, users can log in with their regular account and the app is still happy.



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