Dump stores proc output parameters into DataGridView row

I've been new to C # for a long time and this question may be too obvious, so please forgive me if I'm "doing it wrong".

Using Visual Studio 2005 Pro, C #, SQL Server 2000 EE SP3.

I have a stored proc that takes one input parameter and returns multiple output parameters relative to that input. I also call this successfully, and String.Format is outputting the results to the RichTextBox. I would call this process periodically and insert the output parameters into the DataGridView row each time, so the results accumulate over time.

  • What's the easiest / most elegant way to get these parameters in a DataGridView? I would prefer code instead of some GUI solution.
  • Am I missing a better approach, like a more appropriate control?



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2 answers

//set up the datatable
DataTable dt = new DataTable("parms");
//bind to a gui object
myDataGridView.DataSource = dt;

//do this after each sproc call
foreach (SqlParameter parm in cmd.Parameters)
    if (parm.Direction == ParameterDirection.Output)
        //do something with parm.Value
        dt.Rows.Add(new object [] { parm.ParameterName, 
            Convert.ToString(parm.Value) } );




Steve answered me closely. I'm not sure if the DataGridView is the best solution, but it seems to work.

In Form (), after InitializeComponent (), I will put the column setting code (since I want to add rows periodically):

dgvOutput.Columns.Add("@col1", "Val 1");
dgvOutput.Columns.Add("@col2", "Val 2");
dgvOutput.Columns.Add("@col3", "Val 3");


And in the button handler after calling the saved proc

dgvOutput.Rows.Add(new object[]{




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