How do I create a style library for use in Silverlight class libraries?

I have a Silverlight application that is built from a set of Silverlight class libraries. I would like to create a generic Silverlight library that contains a set of resources used to define the styles used for all Silverlight UI libraries. It would be similar to <Styles>'s

that defined in node in the App.xaml file.

Is it possible? And if so, how would it be implemented?


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1 answer

While this is possible using WPF (via Dynamic Resources, see this video and upgrade to a later version), I don't think it's possible in Silverlight. The closest thing you need is the themes in the Silverlight suite . This page commented on the comment that you cannot change themes (or resource styles) at runtime in Silverlight 2:

unruledboy, We do not support changing themes at runtime, as this is not a feature supported by Silverlight.

So, I think that themes are the closest one available right now.



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