Using Events in Windows Form Controls Hosted in IE
I have created a Windows Form Control that works successfully in Internet Explorer. I would like to give it an event and respond to the event via javascript. I found a link that talks about it here . It shows me how to create interfaces, but I'm not sure how to fire an out of control event?
Here's my code snippet:
//Control Code:
public class CardReader : Panel,ICardReaderEvents, ICardReaderProperties
public void Error()
public void Success()
//Interface for events
public interface ICardReaderEvents
void Error();
void Success();
//Interface for public properties/methods
public interface ICardReaderProperties
//JavaScript to handle events
<SCRIPT FOR="CardReader1" EVENT="Error">
window.status = "Error...";
<SCRIPT FOR="CardReader1" EVENT="Success">
window.status = "";
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2 answers
In your CardReader class, you are doing this incorrectly:
public event Error;
public event Success;
protected void OnError()
if(Error != null)
protected void OnSuccess()
if(Success != null)
If your ICardReaderEvents interface has changed to get errors and success, put them in OnError and OnSuccess.
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