Using Events in Windows Form Controls Hosted in IE

I have created a Windows Form Control that works successfully in Internet Explorer. I would like to give it an event and respond to the event via javascript. I found a link that talks about it here . It shows me how to create interfaces, but I'm not sure how to fire an out of control event?

Here's my code snippet:

//Control Code:
public class CardReader : Panel,ICardReaderEvents, ICardReaderProperties
   public void Error()
   public void Success()

//Interface for events
public interface ICardReaderEvents
    void Error();

    void Success();

//Interface for public properties/methods
public interface ICardReaderProperties

//JavaScript to handle events
<SCRIPT FOR="CardReader1" EVENT="Error">
    window.status = "Error...";

<SCRIPT FOR="CardReader1" EVENT="Success">
    window.status = "";



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2 answers

In your CardReader class, you are doing this incorrectly:

public event Error;
public event Success;

protected void OnError()
    if(Error != null)

protected void OnSuccess()
    if(Success != null)


If your ICardReaderEvents interface has changed to get errors and success, put them in OnError and OnSuccess.



So now you need to know how to hook it up in Javascript? This is how I know how to do it:

<object id="CR" ...></object>

<script type="text/javascript">
  function CR::Error()

  function CR::Success()




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