Using jsp bean in session

I am using a JSP bean and when I do an assignment to a new object, it gets overwritten in submit to the previous object.

<jsp:useBean id="base" class="com.example.StandardBase" scope="session" />
//base object id  = 396
base = new Base()
//base object id = 1000


and when re-submitting the page I get

<jsp:useBean id="base" class="com.example.StandardBase" scope="session" />
//base object id = 396


Is there a way to tell the JSP to complete a new job?


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3 answers

I'm not entirely sure, but I guess it base = new Base()

doesn't update the link stored in the session scope. Therefore, the bean created with the initial <jsp:useBean/>

one still exists, and the one you create manually and then update is not.

Get rid of base = new Base()

it and you will be fine.

If you insist on updating it, you are using HttpSession.setAttribute()

. For example:

session.setAttribute("bean", bean);


I believe the variable is session

automatically created and initialized for you by the JSP engine.



You don't have to inject the bean yourself. Let the JSP do it for you



change the scope from session to request a fix for you?



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