What's the most efficient way to find and set element values ​​in an XDocument?

Given the following XML template:

<Request module="CRM" call="list_service_features" id="{ID}">
  <block name="auth">
     <a name="username" format="text">{USERNAME}</a>
     <a name="password" format="password">{PASSWORD}</a>
     <a name="client-id" format="counting">{CLIENT-ID}</a>
  <a name="service-id" format="counting">{SERVICE-ID}</a>


Using XDocument, best way to set values ​​in curly braces. I am so far, but stuck on the best path to select each of the 3 nodes <a />

within an element <block/>

. This is just a small chunk of XML, others can have up to 20 elements <a name="..."></a>


The way the XML was built was not my creation, this is what we have to submit to our provider's web service ... before anyone laughs at the format = "counting" attribute :)

@David - welcomes answer, appreciated. I kind of hoped it would be a little more elegant, curious along the lines:

List<XElement> e = doc.Descendants("a").ToList();
e.Where(x => x.Attributes("name") == "username").Single().Value = "abc";
e.Where(x => x.Attributes("name") == "password").Single().Value = "abc";


Obviously the code above doesn't work, but I thought there <a>

would be an <elegant> one slot for each of the tags


source to share

1 answer

Does it do it for you? Good property of old descendants.

string xmlInput = ...;
XDocument myDoc = XDocument.Parse(xmlInput);
List<XElement> someElements = myDoc.Descendants("a").ToList();
someElements.ForEach(x => x.Value = "Foo");


Hmm, I see you have an attribute. You can also do the following:

string xmlInput = //...
XDocument myDoc = XDocument.Parse(xmlInput);
List<XText> someText =
  .Where(x => x.Value.StartsWith("{") && x.Value.EndsWith("}"))
List<XAttribute> someAttributes =
  .Where(x => x.Value.StartsWith("{") && x.Value.EndsWith("}"))
someText.ForEach(x => x.Value = "Foo");
someAttributes.ForEach(x => x.Value = "Bar");


Now, with what you expect, I'll make it work:

List<XElement> e = myDoc.Descendants("a").ToList();
e.Where(x => x.Attribute("name").Value == "username").Single().Value = "abc";
e.Where(x => x.Attribute("name").Value == "password").Single().Value = "abc";




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