SVN config-file Question revised

I searched and found this question , but I didn't like the answer.

Is there any other way to force SVN to ignore config files that are checked in place (which you cannot register) but need to be changed on your system.

This is a pretty serious SVN failure, my first frustration with the system actually. I hope someone out there came up with a trick, perhaps branching only the config files to a new branch, leaving everything else pointing to the original branch. Perhaps change the .svn directory?

There must be a better solution and then a template / copy that seems so unreachable.


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2 answers

After hours of work, I think I have an answer. Since this is my own question, I think I'll make this a community wiki ...

I created a branch of the entire repository and listed files like "Config" in the new branch and then checked them out.

I'm not sure how this will go, but it did the Check All job correctly. I think if I change one of these files it works fine by checking it out in my local repository.

The only thing that can be annoying is if someone modifies the file that I have forked, I'm not sure how I would identify the fact that I should be merged.



We'll get around this:

All Dev machines are compatible. We all develop from c: \ projects \ TopGear \ trunk ... We all call our SQL Server PROJECTNAME (for example TOPGEAR). We all use the same IIS hostname (TopGearDev)

And our NANT deployment script overwrites all configurations when needed when we do deploy, so we don't need to worry about the settings - all relevant ones are overwritten.

Added bonus: Build servers (we're using TeamCity) are trivial to set up.

He bit us once or twice, slightly, but otherwise good.

Doesn't depend on SVN (we use SVN), tho.



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