Any way to run a macro (in an open VS instance) from the command line?

I usually run a script every night that updates my code from SVN and then builds it. I have a long debug run over the past few days that I would like to start at night so that it can go through an hour or two to get an error before I come the next morning. The way I've done it so far is a VPN at the end of the evening to start the run.

Is there a way I can script to tell the active instance of Visual Studio to execute the macro? Either that, or start a new instance that will run the macro after opening it. This way I could automate the whole thing.


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1 answer

To run a macro or command in a new session, follow these steps:

devenv /Command CommandName


To debug the executable, run:

devenv /DebugExe ExecutableFile


To run the solution with default settings:

devenv /r Solution


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