Script for enrollment in a college class

I am registering Spring courses tomorrow morning (transfer to Computer Science program). Since I am a translation student, I get the last selection of the remaining grades that have not yet been accepted. Emphasis on "last choice" and "remaining". It is very likely that any classes I intend to collect tomorrow, I may not even get, because other students will be competing for the same classes. Add to that, even with scheduling, an extremely sluggish server when it gets hit with a heavy load.

So, when I register the next semester (or even register for different classes for Spring, in case others miss it), I would like to have a script or code ready to go, so I could just automate my logins without filling out web forms and hoping that the server will parse them correctly. (By inputs, I am generic - from auto-filling form fields to SQL inputs). Obviously, this may not work. But what I'm looking for is some kind of web browser keylogger that will load all visited web pages, any javascript executed, forms filled, everything and everyone. That way, I could analyze the data later and at my leisure to see if I can do it better.

Any suggestions on what can be done? (I think maybe some kind of test software?). Thanks in advance.


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3 answers

Selenium can automate most browser based tasks.

Grinder comes with a local proxy that can capture traffic and script using Python.



I would really like you to check your acceptable use policy at the university, in my opinion such a thing would be considered a serious violation and you might be kicked out.



CoScripter does pretty much what you need it to do.



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