How to make an attribute selection for the "(this) attribute starting with the #"

It might have been really late at night, but I couldn't figure it out. First the html:

<a href="#internal">Internal Link</a>
<a href="">External Link</a>
<a href="#internal2">Internal Link2</a>


in order to do something on the page and not navigate to a link, I need to filter it based on if it contains a # at the beginning. This is a perfect problem for solving [attribute ^ = value], but it doesn't work ...

var link = $(this[href^=#]);


I just know it is a problem with how to compose this attribute and attribute attribute ... and I don't know what to put after .val () ?!


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4 answers

I'm a little confused that you are exactly ...

if you want to check if the current object has # at the beginning of the href attribute:

var link = $(this);
if ("[href^='#']") ...


Otherwise, you can do something like this:

$('div a[href^="#"]').val("This link starts with a #");




// using the following you are looking for all children that have an href tag starting with '#' inside 'this'

 var links = $('*[href^=#]', this); 




I'm going to assume that what you are trying to extract is the content of the href attribute in the link, and you already know the container with the links.

I suggest that you want:

var link = $('a[href^=#]',this).attr('href');


In this example, the array ['#internal', '# internal2'] should be returned. If this is not what you want, you can show what you expect from link

after your request.



Sorry guys, as if I said that it is now in the fog from my late night. The simple answer was to move [href ^ = #] to the selector before trying to set the variables. It's my mistake for truncating it to a large amount, and my messy mind for filtering inside a variable, not a selector ... Thanks, although I couldn't do it without reading your (correctly) confused answers. Here's what I would normally work with big sleep:

$("div a[href^=#]").click(function() {
  var link = $(this).attr("href");



ps. I was trying to solve another problem all day today and I was considering posting it, but after that I think I will go home, sleep, think about it in the morning: D



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