StructureMap automatically registers descendant classes

I have a base class Repository <T>. In a specific project, I have several use cases for this base class. eg

PersonRepository : Repository<T>
EmployerRepository : Repository<T>


I am currently registering each of these repositories in the StructureMap ServiceRegistry class. eg:



It sucks because every time I add a repository I have to remember it. This is one more step.

Is there a way that I could search for the project / assembly where the PersonRepository is located and log everything that inherits from Repository <T>?


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1 answer

EDIT . I just downloaded a new StructureMap construct from a CI server project . Now you need what you need and there is no need to use the user agreement:

public class RepositoryRegistry : Registry
    public RepositoryRegistry()
        Scan(assemblyScanner =>
                 assemblyScanner.AddAllTypesOf(typeof (IRepository<>));


This is my original solution:

This is a good starting point, but it probably needs to be clarified:

public class RepositoryRegistry : Registry
    public RepositoryRegistry()
        Scan(assemblyScanner =>
                 assemblyScanner.AddAllTypesOf(typeof (IRepository<>));

public class RepositoryConvention : ITypeScanner
    public void Process(Type type, PluginGraph graph)
        var selectedInterface =
            (from @interface in type.GetInterfaces()
            where @interface.IsGenericType &&
                      .IsAssignableFrom(typeof (IRepository<>))
            select @interface).SingleOrDefault();

        if(selectedInterface != null)
            graph.Configure(registry =>




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