JSF concurrency question

When I click on the link, a popup opens. I have a session managed bean that loads java.util.List.It takes a few seconds to load this list.

when i click the link twice i get a concurrent modification exception. because the page is in session mode and the first request is still loading the list before it completes the second request tries to update the list.

I have two possible solutions:

1) introducing a synchronized block

Q: Does the introduction of a synchronized block cause performance issues in a multithreaded environment?

2) javascript to disable the link after clicking it.

Problem: Not a good option because we need to restore the javascript state after the popup is loaded. There is a possibility that the link is disabled permanently if the popup terminated abnormally.

Is there any other solution for this problem?


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4 answers

I would choose option 1. sync something in the session or in the session bean itself. In one server environment this should be pretty secure, but in a cluster that doesn't use sticky sessions, you need to look for the best singleton.

Performance doesn't need to be enforced, as you will be syncing for every user session for a given bean session, and if there are no assertions, the cost is not worth considering.



One alternative solution is that the POPUP window modal means the parent window will be blurred / darkened until the popup is closed. search for JavaScript code.



Choose the second option.



if you are using rich faces you can use rich faces a4j library and re-get popup message

<a4j:commandButton id="popupLinkId" onlick="window.open("popupLink");return false;"  reRender="popupLinkId" />


Here a4j is ajax for jsf rich person library. See http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/support.jsf;jsessionid=B9DFBAF3AFD62C96B94EEC67FC4645A5?c=support&tab=usage for details .



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