Does it make sense to write your own validation framework for MVC beta testing, or do you expect one to be released soon?

There have been many questions about validating MVC, but the answer has been rather inconclusive so far.

For my needs, in particular, I would like something to generate client validation and server validation from the same description, and should allow both model based attributes and code based declarations for those using an ORM (for example , LINQ TO SQL).

I have seen several validation packages that have been cracked to do this, but they tend to introduce a lot of dependencies or are quite incomplete (eg support for flags or lack of "higher level").

Are we starting to write our own validation system, or are we expecting the team to actually release something when they have a framework for in-place validation and jQuery on board?

For those actually using MVC in the field, what are you using to validate?


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2 answers

The best way to release the released MVC 1.0 is to use xVal .
You may also need this post on implementing Linq2SQL with xVal in case it was not allowed / does not work.



Did you know that validation semantics were added in preview 5? This article from Scott Guv 's article describes how to use it, and this one details the changes in the beta.

I have not personally used it and it may not meet all of your requirements, but I have no doubt that it can be extended to behave the way you want.



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