Can't get "Live Delegated Authentication" to work

I am trying to get Live Delegated Authentication to work for the purpose of reading email addresses.

I am doing this in PHP using the windowslivelogin library. The problem is I am getting the error.

I'm not sure what I am doing wrong, I registered my app with the Azure webpage and got the app and secret in code. This is what I use to initialize the Live Library:

$o = new WindowsLiveLogin();
return $o;


then i call $ this-> LiveLibrary-> getLoginUrl ()
And after i log into Live it will send 2 things back, $ _POST ['stoken'] and $ _POST ['action']. As soon as I call $ this-> LiveLibrary-> processLogin ($ _ REQUEST); it fails and returns an error that the token is not valid.

I tried to get consent right away by doing a redirect to $ This-> LiveLibrary-> getConsentUrl ("Contacts.View");

but this gives error 3007 and says she cannot share information

According to MS this means the following : 


Consent Service API failed in the <method name> method. The application verifier is invalid.

The offer security level requires that a valid application verifier be passed with the request.


Iam using the following url generated by the library 2F% 2Faides.html & app = appid% 3D000000004801B670% 26ts% 3D1251722931% 26sig% 3DD2gkM% 252F% 252FwlRXXfS64NMrV% 252Bkt50v6dAOcESblfRk7UE% 25D2

I don't understand most of the Microsoft documentation on this, I think it's really obscure and chaotic. Also the example I tried doesn't work. I am getting an error, it cannot validate / decode the token. This is the same way I get when I try processLogin ().

Thanks Advance,



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