Eclipse Features in VisualStudio

This could have been asked elsewhere (looks like a useful topic), but searches did not show anything.

One feature that I love about Eclipse when programming Java is that I don't have to worry about inserting import statements and any missing functions from the interfaces I implement them - if I missed them with a simple click on the list implements them for me.

I am now working in VisualStudio2008 from C #. I am really missing this functionality. I was wondering if the functionality is there but is buried or can be acquired through a third party?



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2 answers

If you call something from one of the standard libraries (or the library referenced by the project) that is not in use, intellisence will show the sign below the keyword, for example:

alt text

Hover over it and open the menu and you can add the "using" keyword or make the explicit type name as follows:

alt text

And then it adds "usage" to the beginning of the file.

alt text



you have to pay for this feature. Have a look at Resharper 4.0 from JetBrains. This is the perfect solution for me.



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