Returning a value from a method in an ActiveX control

I am creating an ActiveX control that will be used in web pages to query the currently installed version of third party software on a client machine. Only one method, GetVersion, should be presented to the control, which returns the version as an integer. I am very inexperienced with ActiveX and am having trouble with something as simple as returning values ​​from methods correctly. If I use the following declaration in IDL:

[id(1)] void GetVersion();


Connects to the following implementation:

BEGIN_DISPATCH_MAP(CDetectorCtrl, COleControl)
    DISP_FUNCTION_ID(CDetectorCtrl, "GetVersion", 1, GetVersion, VT_EMPTY, VTS_NONE)

void CDetectorCtrl::GetVersion()


I can call a method from HTML and see my MessageBox fine.

But if I change the definition / code to:

[id(1)] int GetVersion();



BEGIN_DISPATCH_MAP(CDetectorCtrl, COleControl)
    DISP_FUNCTION_ID(CDetectorCtrl, "GetVersion", 1, GetVersion, VT_INT, VTS_NONE)

int CDetectorCtrl::GetVersion()
    return 1337;


I am getting a crash when calling a method from HTML.


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1 answer

Answered a question and answered ...

The problem seemed to be missing AFX_MANAGE_STATE in the method itself:

LONG CDetectorCtrl::GetVersion(void)
    return 1337;




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