Spring BeanIsAbstractException

I am trying to load spring beans using XmlWebApplicationContext's setConfigLocations method. However, I keep getting



I know the bean is abstract, I configured it this way, so spring needs to know that it is not trying to create it.

I am using Spring2.0.8.jar with jetspeed2.1.

Spring bean:

<bean id="ThreadPool" abstract="true" class="com.sample.ThreadPoolFactoryBean"/>



ctx = appContext;
    BeanFactory factory = appContext.getBeanFactory();
    String[] beansName = appContext.getBeanFactory()


map.put(beansName[mnCnt], factory.getBean(beansName[mnCnt]));


Does anyone have any idea?


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4 answers

map.put(beansName[mnCnt], factory.getBean(beansName[mnCnt]));


That's where your problem is, isn't it? By calling getBean with the name of an abstract bean, you are trying to instantiate it, which will throw an exception.



The following code will try and fail to instantiate your abstract class:

map.put(beansName[mnCnt], factory.getBean(beansName[mnCnt]));


There is simply no confusion, "abstract" beans are not the same as abstract classes. They are primarily a convenient mechanism for reducing the parameters of repeated properties.

The child bean definition inherits the values ​​of the constructor argument, property values ​​and method are overridden from the parent, with the option to add new values. If init method, destroy method, factory bean and / or factory, they will override their respective parent settings.

Contrived example:

class Fruit {
    private String colour;
    private String name;
    // setters...

class Car {
    private String colour;
    private String manufacturer;
    // setters...



<!-- specifying a class for an abstract bean is optional -->
<bean id="sharedPropsBean" abstract="true">
    <property name="colour" value="red" />

<bean id="myFruit" parent="sharedPropsBean" class="Fruit">
    <property name="name" value="apple" />

<bean id="myCar" parent="sharedPropsBean" class="Car">
    <property name="manufacturer" value="Ferrari" />




Spring bean:

<bean id="ThreadPool" abstract="true" class="com.sample.ThreadPoolFactoryBean"/>



ctx = appContext;
    BeanFactory factory = appContext.getBeanFactory();
    String[] beansName = appContext.getBeanFactory()


Then when I iterate over the array of strings it gives an exception.



Are you repeating and writing down the name to say stdout? This shouldn't be a problem. There is nothing in the code that is trying to force spring to instantiate the bean in the question?



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