Finding the difference between two complex dictionaries

I have two dictionaries with the following structure:

a) dict1 = {'a':[ [1,2], [3,4] ], 'b':[ [1,2],[5,6] ]}
b) dict2 = {'a':[ [1,2], [5,6] ], 'b':[ [1,2],[7,8] ]}


I need to find a given difference between each key in a dictionary, that is, dict1 ['a'] - dict2 ['a'] should return [3,4]. Any thought is appreciated.


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4 answers

You have the wrong data structure for what you are trying to do.

Use this instead.

dict1 = {'a': [(1, 2), (3, 4)], 'b': [(1, 2), (5, 6)]}
dict2 = {'a': [(1, 2), (5, 6)], 'b': [(1, 2), (7, 8)]}


Life is easier when you are trying to perform given operations on immutable objects like tuples.

This will convert a list of lists to a list of tuples.

>>> dict( (key,[tuple(v) for v in dict1[key]]) for key in dict1 )
{'a': [(1, 2), (3, 4)], 'b': [(1, 2), (5, 6)]}


Here's a complete solution.

>>> dict1t= dict( (key,[tuple(v) for v in dict1[key]]) for key in dict1 )
>>> dict2t= dict( (key,[tuple(v) for v in dict2[key]]) for key in dict2 )
>>> set(dict1t['a'])-set(dict2t['a'])
set([(3, 4)])




Using modified elements (like lists) makes the problem more difficult because it eliminates the simple use of a Python data structure set

. It might be worth making temporary copies / versions that actually use tuples instead of these pesky lists:

def tempaux(d):
  return dict((k, set(tuple(x) for x in v))
              for k, v in d.iteritems())



def thedifs(dd1, dd2)
  d1 = tempaux(dd1)
  d2 = tempaux(dd2)
  allkeys = set(d1).update(d2)
  empty = set()
  difs = []
  for k in allkeys:
    s1 = d1.get(k, empty)
    s2 = d2.get(k, empty)
    adif = s1 - s2
    if adif: difs.append(adif)
  return difs


This assumes an actual difference in settings, not a symmetrical difference, etc. Of course, you can return tuples in lists before returning, and depending on your exact requirements.



>>> s1 = set([(1,2), (3,4)])
>>> s2 = set([(1,2), (5,6)])
>>> s1 - s2
{(3, 4)}




applicable to list or dict or number when a and b have the same structure


def diff(a,b):
    if isinstance(a, int) and isinstance(b, int):
        b = b - a
        return b
    if isinstance(a, str) and isinstance(b, str):
        if a.isdigit() and b.isdigit():
            b = str(int(b) - int(a))
            return b
            b = a
            return b
    if type(a) is list and type(b) is list:
        for i in range(len(a)):
            b[i] = diff(a[i],b[i])
        return b
    if type(a) is dict and type(b) is dict:
        for k,v in b.iteritems():
            b[k] = diff(a[k],b[k])
        return b

print diff(e,f)




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